Chicago - A message from the station manager

Bears Endorsement Report

By The Beachwood Niche Marketing Affairs Desk

The difference between winning and losing the Super Bowl is amply demonstrated by the endorsement opportunities that follow. Analysts shared with us the likely sponsorships in store for the Bears, win or lose.
Rex Grossman
Win: Disneyland.
Lose: Abilify, the new drug for bipolar disorder.
Brian Urlacher
Win: Trojan.
Lose: Susan Loggins, attorney.
Charles “Peanut” Tillman
Win: Reese’s Pieces.
Lose: Carter Center.

Alex Brown
Win: UPS.
Lose: Rolling Meadows Brownies Troop #2094.
Tank Johnson
Win: The Iraq War.
Lose: The Iraq War.
Thomas Jones
Win: Who?
Lose: Who?
Robbie Gould
Win: American Express Gold card.
Lose: All-American Pawn Shop.
Devin Hester
Win: Fed Ex.
Lose: Ex-Lax.
Desmond Clark
Win: Clark Bar.
Lose: Nuts on Clark.
Lovie Smith
Win: Dallas Cowboys.
Loss: Luvs diapers.
More of the city’s best Bears coverage:
* Dos and Donts for Super Bowl Sunday.
* Bear Down, Chicago Media.
* A Bears Top Ten Review.
* Super Bowl Shuffling.
* Lessons from NFL 2006.
* Tank vs. Troutman.
* The Blue & Orange Kool-Aid Report archive.
* The Over/Under archive.


Posted on February 1, 2007