Chicago - A message from the station manager


By Eric Emery

With this column we wrap up the 2006 edition of Over/Under. Let’s review what we’ve learned.
1. Don’t bet on football. I wasn’t the only one who sucked this season; things were tough all over.
2. Nobody gives you credit when you’re right, but when you’re wrong, the e-mail overflows. President Bush’s e-mail must all go directly to his spam folder.
3. Coaching in the NFL is a great gig – if you’re clinically insane. Step one: Get hired by Cardinals. Step two: Lose in comedic fashion. Step Three: Appear on YouTube in clip for the ages. Step Four: See inevitable parodies follow.

4. Coach-killers kill coaches.
5. To aspiring lawyers out there, remember: There’s more lawyers per capita in Washington, D.C., than anywhere else in America. Try Cincinnati.
6. Some coach-killers try to do themselves in first. Either way, someone leaves their job in the end.
7. Coaching Tom Brady washes away your sins. You get to act like a Grade-A dick by snubbing a fellow coach and pushing a cameraman, with no repercussions.
8. Selling out can backfire. John Cougar Mellencamp’s truck song, for example, is more overexposed than Brittney Spears getting out of Paris Hilton’s Hummer.
9. There’s always next year. Except in Oakland and Detroit.
10. Never underestimate a coach named Lovie.
Picks –
Regular Season: 45-52-3
Playoffs: 5-15
Total: 50-67
For more Emery, see the Kool-Aid archive, and the Over/Under archive. He can be contacted at


Posted on January 22, 2007