Chicago - A message from the station manager

The Return Of The Crosstown Classic Crucible!

A Beachwood Preview

Participating this go-around: Cub Factor correspondent Marty Gangler, White Sox Report correspondent Ricky O’Donnell, and Twins fan Steve Rhodes.
1. What are the chances of a White Sox sweep?
GANGLER: Like I said last week, there is a 3 percent chance of anything happening.
O’DONNELL: Well, either it’s going to happen or it’s not going to happen so . . . 50/50. Duh.
RHODES: The same chance Mayor Daley changes his mind about the Children’s Museum.
2. What are the chances of a Cubs sweep?
GANGLER: See No. 1.
O’DONNELL: See No. 1.
RHODES: See No. 1.
3. Who will Ozzie offend next?
GANGLER: You know how the Sox have that take your dog to the ballpark day? I think Ozzie is going to somehow offend the dogs.
O’DONNELL: All of rap nation.
RHODES: Himself. And then he’ll refuse to apologize.

4. Which player outside of A.J. is most likely to be the villain?
GANGLER: That Cuban Missile guy.
O’DONNELL: Dude, at The Cell, A.J. is a hero. The villain clearly has to be a Cubs player, so let’s go with Edmonds. No one likes that guy anyway.
RHODES: Dude, at The Cell A.J. is a hero because he’s a villain. But yes, Edmonds.
5. Who is more unlistenable, Ron Santo or Hawk Harrelson?
GANGLER: Put it on the board . . . NOOOooooo!!! Let’s put Steve Stone and Pat Hughes together and make them do both sides of town’s games. Everyone will get smarter that way.
O’DONNELL: I’ll take the guy with legs.
RHODES: Harrelson actually watches the game, but Santo never says “duck snort.” So it’s a push.
6. Odds of a Red Line derailment.
GANGLER: 97 percent. It’s just the opposite of the 3 percent chance of it NOT derailing.
O’DONNELL: Slightly greater than the chance of a Blue Line derailment.
RHODES: O’Donnell is stealing my material.

* The Crosstown Classic Crucible


Posted on June 27, 2008