Chicago - A message from the station manager

The Beachwood Radio Sports Hour #46: Wither Chicago Sports

By Jim Coffman and Steve Rhodes with Noahbattacola

Bulls, Blackhawks, Cubs and White Sox all in trouble. Plus: The Chicago Fire Did Something This Week. Also: Wither College Basketball.

* Doug Plank.
1:20: Wither The Bulls?
* Bulls Pull Off Staggering Comeback.
But . . .
* Bulls, Rose Out Of Time To Tinker With What’s Ailing Them.

* Report: People connected to Tom Thibodeau exploring options if Bulls let him go, including Magic.
* Jim Wall, St. Ignatius.
18:44: Wither The Blackhawks?
* Baffling Blackhawks’ Playoff Fate Impossible To Predict.
* Forced to play three rookies. We think.
21:45: Wither The White Sox?
* Wither The Cubs?
* Three catchers in three games.
* Welington Castillo Prepared For Any Situation.
* Jon Lester Says Throwing To Bases No Problem – After Practicing It In Pen.
31:30: Wither The White Sox?
34:34: NFL Projects Bored People Will Mill Around Draft Town!
* Barrington Resident Named Chicago’s Top Tourism Executive.
39:45: Wither College Basketball?
50:50: The Chicago Fire Did Something This Week.

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Posted on April 10, 2015