Chicago - A message from the station manager

Marlon Byrd vs. Robert Byrd

By The Beachwood Vs. Affairs Desk

Compare and contrast.
Marlon: All-Star.
Robert: Dead star.
Robert: Was old as dirt.
Marlon: Gets uniform dirty.
Robert: Played in Washington as a senator.
Marlon: Played in Washington as a National, who were preceded by the Senators.

Marlon: Makes his living fielding baseballs.
Robert: Made his living busting balls.
Robert: Powerful member of a collection of people nobody respects much.
Marlon: Powerful member of a collection of people nobody respects much.
Marlon: 2010 a great season so far.
Robert: 2010 his worst season ever.
Robert: Joined the Ku Klux Klan to play with angry white guys.
Marlon: Joined the Cubs to play with an angry Venezuelan.
Robert: Stated that joining the Klan was “the greatest mistake I ever made.”
Marlon: Give him time.
Robert: Was old enough to know Andrew Jackson’s brother.
Marlon: Shares first name of a Jackson 5 brother.
Marlon: Once swung a bat against the hated New York Yankees.
Robert: Once fired a musket at hated Yankees in the Civil War.
Robert: Served time in Washington as a Senate Minority Leader.
Marlon: Served time in Washington, which is like the minors.
Robert: Never lost an election in his life.
Marlon: Plays for a team that never won a World Series during Robert Byrd’s life.
Robert: Supported presidents that most people didn’t like much.
Marlon: Works for club ownership that most people still don’t like much.
Robert: Born Cornelius Calvin Sale, Jr.
Marlon: Bought on sale from the Texas Rangers.
Robert: Overshadowed by few.
Marlon: Overshadowed by a huge-ass Toyota sign.
Robert: “Asshole politician.”
Marlon: Replaced asshole outfielder.
Marlon: Played for Texas.
Robert: Voted to make Texas a state.
Robert: Formerly segregational.
Marlon: Currently sensational.
Robert: Died of complications from heat stroke and dehydration.
Marlon: Plays in dehydrating Chicago heat despite complicated management full of strokes.
Robert: Once worked as a gas station attendant.
Marlon: Works for gasbags.
Robert: Ally of Lyndon Johnson.
Marlon: Probably has a big johnson.
Marlon: Wears Cubbie blue.
Robert: Turned blue.
Robert: Cast more votes than any U.S. senator in history.
Marlon: Plays for the most hapless team in Major League history.
Robert: Served on the United States Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities.
Marlon: A bit beyond being an emerging, capable threat.
Robert: Filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Marlon: Knows a thing or two about busting Phillies.
Robert: Denounced dog fighting as a “brutal, sadistic event.”
Marlon: Cubs games often brutal, sadistic events.

Comments welcome.


Posted on July 27, 2010