Chicago - A message from the station manager

The Rich Aren’t Like You & Me; They Don’t Pay Taxes

By The Beachwood Tea Party

1. “Still scrambling to file your taxes? You’ll probably take little consolation in hearing that the super rich pay a lot less taxes than they did a couple of decades ago,” AP reports. “And nearly half of U.S. households pay no income taxes at all.”
2. The Real GE Scandal.
3. Over The Last Five Years, Boeing’s Total Tax Rate Was 4.5 Percent.
4. A Little Extortion Never Hurts The Bottom Line.
See also: New Caterpillar CEO’s Compensation Quadruples.

5. 9 Things The Rich Don’t Want You To Know About Taxes.
6. Who Pays The Taxes?
See also:
* The Great American Tax Dodge
* Who Really Pays The Taxes?
7. From Michael Moore and MoveOn:
“Do you wonder (like I do) what the tax accountants and executives are doing over at GE this weekend? Frantically rushing to fill out their IRS returns like the rest of us?
Hardly. They’re taking the weekend off to throw themselves a big party and have a hearty laugh at all of us. It must really crack them up to see us like suckers scurrying around to make sure we report everything to Uncle Sam – and even send him a check, if necessary.
“The joke’s on us, folks. GE and tons of other corporations will have a tax bill for 2010 of ZERO. GE had $14.2 billion in profits in 2010. Yet they will contribute NOTHING to the federal government while every last dime is soaked from us.
“In the latest budget deal, our politicians could have tackled the deficit by stopping the flow of these ill-gotten billions to corporations. Instead they cut billions from ‘wasteful’ programs that do ‘wasteful’ things, like create new jobs, drive economic growth, and help the needy and our nation’s children. It’s Democracy in reverse and it sickens me.
“GE spends $20 million a year to lobby Congress to throw themselves this party. But do you know what speaks louder than $20 million? 20 million votes! 20 million people, and more, standing together and taking to the streets. That starts now, with you.
“[Today] is Tax Day – and that’s the day when ‘we the people’ will demand our country back from these corporations in events all across the country. The folks at MoveOn tell me that the nearest event to you is in Chicago. I hope you’ll be there:

Where: Boeing
When: Noon

“This Monday, MoveOn members -along with union, community, and environmental allies – will gather outside the headquarters and local offices of the biggest corporate tax dodgers to deliver tax bills from the American people. And we’ll demand that our leaders make these corporate deadbeats pay.
“We’re doing this because we don’t buy into the Big Lie: that greedy teachers caused the crash on Wall Street! That the selfish firefighters sent millions of jobs overseas! That pregnant woman, infants, and children are sending us into deficit!
“No, it was the big corporations that did this. It was the CEOs and the top 1% of the country. THEY brought on the mortgage crisis. THEY made off with trillions of dollars from our economy. THEY are systematically destroying the middle class. And THEY have bought and sold the very people elected to represent us!
” This Monday we will call them out – can you join in?
“On Monday, we will have something to say to Exxon, Chevron, and the big banks that crashed our economy and got billions in bailouts, like Citigroup and Bank of America, who pay little or no federal income tax. In fact, the IRS will likely give them a tax REBATE. If that doesn’t boggle your mind then nothing will.
“The Tax Day events are about sending this message: We are coming after you, we are stopping you and we are going to return the money, jobs, and homes you stole from the people. This is your tipping point, Corporate America. And I, for one, am glad it’s going to happen this Monday.
“If you’ve never been to an event like this before, this is the time. And don’t go alone, because none of us can win this fight by ourselves. Plus, it’s more fun and exciting to go along with friends and family to be part of real democracy in action – not the store-bought kind Big Business gets on Capitol Hill.”

Comments welcome.


Posted on April 18, 2011