Chicago - A message from the station manager

The Beachwood Radio Hour #28: The Sun-Times Is A Hot Mess

By Steve Rhodes

Fear And Loathing On The Campaign Trail And In The Newsroom.

:00: Strawberry Rock Show.
:48: The Sun-Times Is A Hot Mess.
* Honoring the legacy.
2:04: The Cairo Gang at the Empty Bottle on Wednesday night.
3:10: The Sun-Times Can’t Shoot Straight.
* Beachwood Radio Hour #27: Endorsements Are Bullshit.
How editorial boards invalidate their own newsrooms. Plus: Debates Are Bullshit; Bruce Rauner Hates Homework; The Guns That Didn’t Smoke; Red-Light Rahm’s Yellow Lights; How To Become A Judge In Chicago; Fight The Power Of The Storyline.
* Sun-Times: Why We Will No Longer Endorse In Elections.
* Did The Sun-Times Just Endorse Bruce Rauner?
* Why yes, they sure did. And then they denied it.
* Tom McNamee, Weasel.
* Jim Kirk, Weasel.
* Rauner gets a two-fer; Sun-Times back in the endorsement business!
* Why We’re Back In The Endorsement Business.
* And the trifecta: The actual endorsement.
* Ignore all our previous editorial stances and vote for the guy who stands for everything we’ve argued against!
* The Sun-Times quadruples down!
* Unemployment Rate In Illinois Drops For Seventh Consecutive Month.
* The Sun-Times is smarter than everyone else!
* An inadequate flat tax and making life easier for business is the status quo!
* The Sun-Times has first-hand experience with private equity!
* Satire is dead. The Sun-Times keeps killing it.
* The Sun-Times has apparently never seen a smart business plan, which is pretty believable.
* Pat Quinn is not a man of integrity! Stop lying!
* The Combine’s stealth candidate.
33:20: Negative Scanner at the Empty Bottle on Wednesday night.
33:42: Ferro vs. Sun-Times.
* Feder | Act Surprised: Sun-Times To Endorse Rauner.
* They’ll be back for Rahm!
* Marek | Did Rauner Camp Interfere With Sun-Times Reporter?
* Is the Sun-Times with McKinney or against him?
* Bruce Rauner actually got a raw deal.
* The Sun-Times failed to properly disclose McKinney’s “arrangements.”
* The Sun-Times mismanaged the situation from the start.
* Kirk | Election Coverage Fearless And Fair.
* Hardly.
* Paul Vallas has seen this before!

* Michael Cooke is now the editor of the Toronto Star.
56:58: Gregory Porter at Thalia Hall on Tuesday night.
58:22: Publishers Endorse.
* Editorial boards sit on their hands.
1:00:00: What Really Happened?
* Mr. Hinz says he doesn’t know but it sure sounds like he does.
* An (Almost Complete) News Blackout.
* Arrangements question partially answered.
* Fixed.
* The Cliffhanger: Rich Miller says he lost his Sun-Times column after writing critically about Rauner. I eagerly await his coming post about that – and more, he says, about the endorsement.
STOPPAGE TIME: 11:37:874.

For archives and more, see The Beachwood Radio Network.

Comments welcome.


Posted on October 20, 2014