Chicago - A message from the station manager

NATO Notebook III

By Steve Rhodes

It’s certainly not the weekend – or month, really – we would have seen had the G8 come here too, but there have been some moments of note. Let’s take a look.
1. “Veterans who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan returned their service medals to visiting NATO representatives Sunday to express their opposition to America’s role in these conflicts, and to demand better care for returning forces,” the Huffington Post reports.
“Members of Iraq Veterans Against the War organized a day-long protest, including a musical performance at the Petrillo Music Shell, a march and rally through the city and a ceremony at Michigan and Cermak where participants hoped to return their medals to visiting NATO generals.
“While Rev. Jesse Jackson and other political leaders spoke to demonstrators before they began a massive march through downtown Chicago, the group was unable to bring visiting NATO generals to accept their medals, so the 45 participating veterans hurled them at McCormick Place, where NATO meetings were taking place, according to ABC.”

2. Tom Morello tears it up with Bruce Springsteen on “The Ghost of Tom Joad” last month in L.A.

Morello’s reprise at the Metro on Saturday night.

Joined by With Holly Near, The Klezmatics, Toshi Reagon, Son del Viento, Jon Langford, Bucky Halker, Kevin Coval and B.S. Brass at the Metro on Saturday night.

3. Good times at Filter in Wicker Park.
4. A nice, small roundup of NATO protest video.
5. Twitter highlights.




6. World leaders put on a play.
7. NATO Agrees To Change Definition Of The Word ‘Victory’ By 2014.

* NATO Notebook I
* NATO Notebook II

Comments welcome.


Posted on May 21, 2012