Chicago - A message from the station manager

McCain’s Infomercial

By The Beachwood Hail Mary Affairs Desk

Announcer: We interrupt our regular Halloween Night programming for a special 30-minute message from John McCain – 60 minutes on CBS, and two hours on closed-circuit systems in the nation’s nursing homes.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to present in conjunction with our sponsors the Old Country Buffett and Time-Life, John McCain.
McCain: Thank you, Joe the Plumber. My friends . . .
Amber waves of grain. Chuck Norris in a field singing a Mellencamp song. Gauzy images of white people in small town Ohio, Pennsylvania coal country, the condominiums of Miami Beach.
My friends, many of you have been wondering where the “real” John McCain has been during this campaign. Well, I’ll tell you. We’ve been keeping him here in this cryogenic chamber . . .
My friends, as I’ve traveled with Cindy across the country for these last many months, I’ve met so many Americans whom I couldn’t stand. I mean, really! These are the people I was tortured for? It’s all yours, Barack. I’m off to Georgia!

Each of us has a story. An American story. Mine begins and ends with beer.
Meet Pete. He’s a real American, and like many real Americans, he’s struggling to understand just who Bill Ayers is, and why I keep talking about him.
My friends, let me leave no doubt in your mind: I am not George Bush. Make no mistake, America: I couldn’t stand that asshole when I ran against him eight years ago and he’s just as big of an asshole now. Now he’s screwed me out of the presidency twice!
My Facebook friends, I want to express my gratitude for your support, and, um, how do I contact you? No, seriously, I have no idea what this thing even is.
Barack, I challenge you to a series of duels. One each day from here until the election. Using muskets.
My friends, I was right about why the United States should have stayed on the gold standard. My opponent voted present.
Re-creation of McCain in the Hanoi Hilton. Live demonstration of torture techniques on his former captors and random prisoners flown in from Guantanamo.
My friends, I implore you. This is America. The last thing we should pay taxes on is beer. Especially great American beers like Budweiser. If you elect me, I truly will be the King of Beers.
Testimonial from Rudy Giuliani about Barack Obama’s rumored Champagne toast with Bill Ayers the evening of 9/11, with a re-created voice-over saying “On to the presidency!”
My friends, I beg of you. No, really, I’m begging you.
Meet Bob. Bob, do you think Barack is ready? Me neither.
Testimonial from Mike Huckabee. “You know, when the Earth was first formed six thousand years ago . . .
My friends, we’ve mapped out the borders of the real America here in red. On Election Night, if I lose, I want you to attack those living in these blue areas. Make me proud!
My friends, if capitalism is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
Cut to live shot of McCain at a rally in Florida. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And good night.

See also:
* McCain vs. McRib
* McCain for McPresident
* Feeling McCain’s Pain
– Scott Buckner, Eric Emery, Rick Kaempfer, Steve Rhodes


Posted on October 31, 2008