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Mancow Is A Birther: A Look At The Manchurian Madness

By Steve Rhodes

1. Half-man, half-cow questions president’s identity.

2. Jerome Corsi, Swift Birther.
“After the surprise release by the White House of what it claims is Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate, an author challenging Obama’s legal eligibility to be president – whose upcoming book has become a No. 1 bestseller a month before its release – summarizes his response to the day’s events in two words: ‘Obama blinked.’
“Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., whose two previous No. 1 New York Times best-sellers – Unfit for Command and The Obama Nation – both have dramatically affected the presidency, is the author of the forthcoming WND Books release Where’s the Birth Certificate: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President. After a major story on The Drudge Report last week, the book shot up to No. 1 on Amazon’s best-seller list and remains one of the nation’s hottest-selling books three weeks before its official debut.
“‘Public pressure finally forced Obama to do what he did today. Now the game begins,’ said Corsi. ‘Nixon thought he could stop the Watergate scandal from unfolding by releasing a few tapes. All that did was fuel the fire.’
“Suggesting that Obama’s presidency will not survive the revelations contained in his book – which goes beyond the birth certificate controversy to document the multiple legal problems with Obama being a U.S. president – Corsi said, simply, ‘When people read the book, they will see that Obama is not eligible to be president.’
“Moreover, said the author, today’s White House action raises more questions than it answers: ‘Obama spent a fortune on attorneys to block release of this document. Why? The same attorneys are still blocking release of many other vital documents – his school, medical, passport and other documents routinely released by all presidents, but steadfastly hidden by Obama. Will he now release those as well?’
“Also, he asked, why did Obama withhold the birth document that had been legally requested by an Army doctor, Terrence Lakin, but instead watch him be court-martialed and imprisoned over the issue?
“‘I am calling for the immediate release of Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, the Army flight surgeon who is now sitting in prison because Obama wouldn’t produce his birth certificate,’ Corsi said.
“Corsi considers the release of the Hawaii birth certificate that was presented to the media today by the White House a pre-emptive strike against the book’s imminent release, which documents multiple bases by which Obama could be determined as ineligible for the presidency according to the standard laid down by the Constitution’s framers.
“Also raised in the book is the issue of the other documentation for Obama’s career, verifications that remain concealed, including his passport records, kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records and schedules, medical records, Obama/Dunham marriage license, Obama/Dunham divorce documents, Soetoro/Dunham marriage license and adoption records.”
3. Impeach Barry!
“At long last, Barack Obama Jr. released his long form birth certificate today, clearly proving he is NOT a natural born citizen. So, why has there been virtually no call in the Senate to begin impeachment proceedings? And why are so many news-fakers acting as if all Obama needed to substantiate he was a Natural Born Citizen was to prove he was born in the U.S.A?
“The U.S. Constitution and U.S. law, as of the time of Obama Junior’s birth, still required a President to have a father who was a U.S. citizen. Clearly Obama’s father was a British citizen, as clearly shown on the very document Obama released.
“Still not convinced? Let’s take a refresher course in U.S. history. Our founding fathers didn’t want any U.S. President to have mixed loyalties so they required that both parents of a President be U.S. citizens in order to qualify their son or daughter to be a Natural Born U.S. Citizen. Period. Simple. Not complicated.
“Here’s the exact language of the Naturalization Act of 1790, passed by the first U.S. Congress:

And the children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens: Provided, That the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States.

“So there you have it. Obama is not eligible to be U.S. President and needs to be impeached and convicted quickly to avoid a constitutional crisis and to follow rule of law.
“Bottom line: It doesn’t matter if Obama was born in Hawaii, which was actually a U.S. Territory at the time of Obama’s birth and not yet a U.S. state. What does matter is that Obama Jr.’s dad Obama Sr. was not a U.S. citizen and thus rendering his son’s Presidential aspirations patently illegal.
“Need more proof? The founding fathers put the definition in writing from the defining documents of their day. Founding father John Jay used the definition of “natural born Citizen” straight from The Law of Nations (Vattel) that states:
“The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.” (Vattel in Book 1, Sec 212)
“Case closed. Impeach and convict Obama now.”

1: Conspiracies do exist, but so do facts. Conspiracy theorists will never be satisfied; every fact can be explained away as part of the conspiracy.
2: Conspiracy theorists have always been with us. Talkin’ John Birch Paraonid Blues. And frankly, as I’ve written before, the claims of birthers aren’t nearly as outlandish as the claims of truthers – echoed by many mainstream Democrats.
3: Why did Obama choose this moment to release the long-form? Perhaps the “controversy” no longer accrued to his political benefit in rallying his supporters and raising money. Donald Trump, indeed, forced the issue. Of course, Donald Trump is a bald-faced liar.
4: As I’ve written before, the Republicans did themselves a huge disservice in 2008 – and since – by focusing on the likes of Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright instead of the likes of Richard M. Daley and Tony Rezko.
Washington wunderkind and careerist pool boy Ezra Klein is just the latest to catch on:
“America is mired in three wars,” Klein writes. “The past decade was the hottest on record. Unemployment remains stuck near 9 percent, and there’s a small, albeit real, possibility that the U.S. government will default on its debt. So what’s dominating the news? A reality-television star who can’t persuade anyone that his hair is real is alleging that the president of the United States was born in Kenya.
“Perhaps this is just the logical endpoint of two years spent arguing over what Barack Obama is – or isn’t. Muslim. Socialist. Marxist. Anti-colonialist. Racial healer. We’ve obsessed over every answer except the right one: President Obama, if you look closely at his positions, is a moderate Republican from the early 1990s.”
5: Obama has, indeed, withheld some records. He’s tried to wipe Occidental College and Columbia University out of his history. Perhaps it doesn’t fit David Axelrod’s narrative.
6: The media isn’t bright.
7: No one remembers Obama as a kid? Read this, Mancow. You too, Trump. In fact, read the whole series. It’s better than whatever Corsi has cooked up and its revelations didn’t receive nearly as much attention as they ought to have.
8: Why did Obama spend $2 million trying to keep his birth certificate a secret? He didn’t.
9: Do both parents have to be U.S. citizens for you to be a citizen? No. Being born here is enough.
10: Chris Matthews, Repurposed, Rails Against Trump. But Where Did Trumpism Come From?
Conclusion: In a world where facts aren’t respected – and they ought to be revered – it’s not far, however, from mainstream spin to conspiracy kookiness. Obama did lie about Tony Rezko. That’s a fact. And I wonder if Obama’s lies are more damaging than Trump’s. After all, so many more people believe them. And he is the president.

Comments welcome.


Posted on April 29, 2011