Chicago - A message from the station manager

Buy Back Bob!

By Southside Together Organizing For Power

“On March 29th, 2015, former mayoral challenger Bob Fioretti, after years of sparring with Mayor Rahm Emanuel over closing schools and mental health clinics, did an about-face and decided to back him.
“People who went to the closed city mental health clinics felt betrayed as Alderman Fioretti had been one of the few people who championed their cause.
“But they realized, he may have just needed some of Rahm’s millions due to his campaign debt so they decided to try to raise some ‘Fund’s for Fioretti’s Friendship.’
“This video shows them attempting to deliver those funds to Alderman Fioretti as he sits down to lunch with Mayor Emanuel.
“To spare him the displeasure of dining with his (former?) nemesis, we brought what we could in order to ‘Buy Back Bob.'”

Editor’s Note: Wonder what Bob is thinking dining at the big boy’s table now and watching those he used to support get told to “get the fuck out.”

* Dear Rahm: Save Our Mental Health Clinics!
* Rahm Not Tough Enough To Face Mental Health Clinic Advocates.
* Rahm’s Mental Health Problem.

See also:
* STOP Chicago.
* The STOP Chicago You Tube channel.

Comments welcome.


Posted on March 30, 2015