Chicago - A message from the station manager

Zodiac Animal Heads Alert

By The Adler Planetarium

The last day to admire the touring outdoor sculptural exhibition “Circle of Animals/Zodiac Heads: Bronze” is April 17.
12 Heads in Place.JPG
The zodiac head installation, which is a recreation of the zodiac clock at Yuanmingyuan, the Garden of Perfect Brightness in China, is currently on display at the Copernicus Plaza located outside of the Adler Planetarium.

Chicago was the14th city to host the12 bronze animal heads that were sculpted by the Chinese political artist Ai Weiwei to represent the Chinese zodiac signs.
The Chicago Park District and the City of Chicago’s Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events coordinated to bring the public art installation to Chicago in September 2014, and after a successful run, it will continue on its world tour.

See also:

There is both a Bronze series and a Gold series.

In Jackson, Wyoming.

In Portland.

In Prague.

Comments welcome.


Posted on April 6, 2016