Chicago - A message from the station manager

Their Chicago

By Drew Adamek

I am a Chicago ex-pat. But I love talking about the city everywhere I go.
You know me; I’m the bore who corners you in an airport bar somewhere and rambles on and on about how great whatever that thing I love most is. In my case, it’s the city of Chicago.
It’s a tired cliche that the world equates Chicago with Al Capone; I haven’t found that to be true in my experience. Once in a while, someone will mention gangsters or crime, but most people have other things to say about my beloved home town.
Here, then, are 10 things people not from Chicago talk about when they talk about Chicago:

1. Fucking O’Hare.
I don’t know if I’ve ever had a conversation with anyone about Chicago in which at least one O’Hare complaint didn’t get snuck in. Seriously, stop being so corrupt and fix the airport – the rest of the world hates it.
2. Blagojevich.
Man, fucking Blago. Sigh.
3. Pizza.
It’s really not that big of a deal in Chicago, people. We have real pizza here and everywhere else doesn’t. Pretty simple.
4. George Ryan.
Yes, we do have one governor in jail, and another on the way.
5. Oprah.
No, I have not seen Oprah shopping, walking, having dinner or playing kickball. She doesn’t run in my circles.
6. The 1985 Bears.
We can’t shut up about them either.
7. SpiderDan.
I’m always surprised at how many people remember his 1981 climb up the Sears Tower. I was bartending in D.C. one night and all but three of the 25 people in the bar remembered his accent dressed as Spiderman.
8. O’Hare sucks.
Yes, yes, we know.
9. The Cubs.
You know that the White Sox won a World Series recently, don’t you? Why do we have to always be equated with mediocrity?
10. O’Hare is awful.
Mayor Daley is hard work on this, I promise you. It’ll all get straightened out soon.

Comments welcome.

Other Lists By Drew Adamek:
* Today’s Syllabus
* Shit My Dad Says
* Work Weirdos
* Things I Miss About Chicago
* 20 Albums I Wish I Had Never Bought
* Fan Note: Me & Metallica


Posted on February 26, 2010