Chicago - A message from the station manager

The Five Dumbest Ideas of the Week

By Stephanie B  Goldberg

1. As Bobby Jindal said (and said and said), “Americans can do anything.”
Meanwhile, NASA held a scrap metal sale this week.
2. Poor maligned Bobby Jindal, the newest face of the Republican party. Actually, that face isn’t new at all. (It’s a baby boomer thing, you wouldn’t understand.)

3. Stop the press. Michelle Obama has arms.
4. Okay, everyone who wants to see Nadya Suleman with her clothes off raise your hand. Alright, now please stand in the line with the people who want to see Joan Rivers run a lemonade stand and Andrew Dice Clay bedazzle a leather jacket. (Hickory dickory dock, your career has sunk like a rock.)
5. Speaking of Octomom and the star of The Apprentice, financial wizard Donald Trump took a shot at her this week. And gave Rihanna some helpful advice that would have been visible to Stevie Wonder from outer space.

Look for Stephanie Goldberg’s Five Dumbest Ideas of the Week in this space on Fridays.


Posted on February 27, 2009