Chicago - A message from the station manager

The Five Dumbest Ideas of the Week

By Stephanie B  Goldberg

1. No one likes a tattletale or the modern-day equivalent – a leaker. A few weeks ago, Palin called them “jerks.” Now Obama’s people are displeased with those loose-lipped Clintonites, Madonna’s minions are upset that Guy’s guys are talking trash about the big divorce settlement, and Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is being excoriated for possibly leaking a story that makes George W. Bush look, well, dumber than a box of rocks. I can’t help thinking that a story about someone’s anger at the anonymous source of another story produces a mental state not unlike ice cream brain freeze.

2. The Joe-of-the-Week is Joe Lieberman – now, a grateful beneficiary of Barack Obama’s largesse. He gets to keep his snazzy chairmanship while professional gasbags young and old debate whether this makes Obama look like a wuss. Personally, I’m glad
that he exercised forbearance, saving us from what would have been the inevitable Lieberman whinefest on Larry King and the Sunday talk shows.
3. Let’s hear it for Virgil Eisenbeisz of Aberdeen, South Dakota, “a longtime collector of barbed wire.”
4. Ducks, it appears, are refraining from procreating, and Southern Illinois University investigators want to know why. Feelings of sexual inadequacy? The disappearance of the wetlands? Anxiety about the credit crunch? Or maybe the modern duck doesn’t buy into this mate-for-life thing. I can just see Donald Duck telling Daisy: Sorry, but I’m just not that into you.
5. Meanwhile, environmental activist Madonna is doing her part to save the wetlands . . . by wearing them.


Posted on November 21, 2008