Chicago - A message from the station manager

One Priest, One Mic, One Message: Father Pontifex And The Chicago Catholic Underground

Loves Rap And Religion

“Claude Burns (born 1972), better known by his stage name Father Pontifex, is an American Roman Catholic priest and hip hop artist from Evansville, Indiana,” according to his Wikipedia entry.
“He was raised in the Roman Catholic faith, but apparently ‘drifted away’ for a while and began attending a non-denominational Christian youth group.
“Pontifex began rapping at age 17 in 1989 in a rap group called The Agape Crew. He later on felt he was called to be a priest in the Catholic Church, and didn’t rap for a while but kept up with hip hop music and the rest of the scene. Pontifex was ordained in 2002. In 2002 Pontifex was introduced to Dustin Sieber, a producer from Phatmass, a Catholic hip hop record label. Sieber signed Pontifex to the label and had him write and perform a song on a Massmatics mixtape called ‘The Son Still Shines.’
“On August 24, 2011 Father Pontifex released his first studio album Ordained. The album received good reception.”
Loyola journalism student Jordan Muck uploaded this report to YouTube on Monday.

See also:
* Father Pontifex’s website.
* Interview at The Integrated Catholic Life.
* Why He Loves Religion: Response To A Viral Video

Comments welcome.


Posted on April 17, 2012