Chicago - A message from the station manager

QT: Just Trying To Be Efficient

By Zay N. Smith

QT Digest of Mitt Romney’s Friday Speech on the U.S. Economy (for Your Convenience):
“We . . . have changed . . . our . . . principles . . . before . . . and . . . will . . . in . . . the future . . .”
QT will admit these excerpts are out of context.
Sort of.
Eight days to go.


Rush Limbaugh discussing women’s issues:
“If I were a woman–”
Wait! Warning!
Do not attempt to visualize this.
Too late?


Cully Johnston, a Chicago reader, regarding QT’s wondering, if a group of larks is an exaltation of larks, what a group of politicians should be called, writes:
“A scandal of politicians.”
Steve Magdziarz, an Elk Grove Village reader, writes:
“A profanity of politicians.”
Or. . . .


News Headline: “Hurricane Sandy rains on election.”
News Headline: “Campaign is dampened by hurricane.”
OK. Do we have this out of our system now?
News Headline: “Hurricane Sandy blows election off course.”
Evidently not.


News Headline: “Romney oversees football game between staff and reporters.”
There might be an idea here.
Why couldn’t we treat politics more like football?
News Headline: “Romney changes position on abortion in less than 24 hours.”
Flag. Illegal shift.
News Headline: “Obama silent on climate change.”
Flag. Intentional grounding.
Hey. This just might work.


The Case for Zero Tolerance of Modern School Administrators:
A Student at Canton South High School in Ohio was placed on in-school suspension because the hair he is growing for a charity that makes wigs for young cancer victims is now longer than the school dress code allows.


News Headline: “Romney T-shirts outselling Obama T-shirts.”
News Headline: “Chia Obama heads outselling Chia Romney heads.”
The trend is apparent.


News Item: “Colin Powell’s former chief of staff says the Republican Party is ‘full of racists’ who only want President Obama out of office because he’s black. ‘Let me just be candid: My party is full of racists,’ Col. Lawrence Wilkerson said. . . .”
The Republicans should take this as nothing less than an insult.
Accurate. But an insult.


QT What Passes for Miracles These Days Update:
+ An image of Jesus has been found on a piece of discarded wall paneling in a garage in Houston, Texas.
+ The word “Allah” has been found on the side of a goat in Ajmer, India.
We take our ecumenicalism where we can find it.


News Headline: “Paul Ryan defends the sanctity of life.”
Well. Unless it needs executing for some reason.


News Headline: “Bike path to avoid elf home.”
There is a case to be made for living in Iceland.


News Headline: “Axl Rose endorses Obama.”
News Headline: “Meat Loaf endorses Romney.”
Eight days to go.


News Headline: “Lawyers gird for possible recounts.”
News Headline: “Another Bush/Gore nightmare?”
All right. Maybe a month or two to go. . . .


From the QT Archive of Knowledge:
+ Charles Foster Kane’s other sled was named “Crusader.”
+ Forty-theven perthent of people who have worn tongue thtudth for four yearth have thipped teeth.


From Poor QT’s Almanack:
On this day in history 46 years ago the National Organization for Women was founded, and it hasn’t stopped its harping and nagging ever since about, oh, human rights.


QT Grammar R Us Seminar on the English Language:
News Headline: “. . . as the Giants were put through the ringer. . . .”
News Headline: “. . . America’s $15 trillion economy has been through the ringer. . . .”
QT was just thinking. The first frost is near. And then the first sprinkles of snow.
How long before the Salvation Army bell wringers are out?
And D.M., a Chicago reader, offers, meanwhile, a Halloween reminder:
The first syllable of “Jekyll,” as in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, rhymes with “bleak.”
And there is no “hollow” in Halloween.
Write to QT at
QT appears Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.


Posted on October 29, 2012