Chicago - A message from the station manager

Chicagoetry: I Wanna Paint Really Cool Murals, Man

By J.J. Tindall
I wanna be a muralist, man.
I wanna paint really cool murals.
Elephants and sausages and very pretty
ladies, and, well, I’m a little off
rainbows these days but
I’ll keep an open mind about it.
A lot of murals already have rainbows.
Huge oranges, fat black cats.

But I’ll only paint on brick,
I wanna specialize in brick.
Deadly oil paints.
So I’ll paint with a mask.
I’ll paint in the dark, too.
Wanna get an idea
of the street light
at night.
Probably some sort of protective eye gear.
White, wait, black bib overalls.
Sick ladders, I mean, just a couple of really
beautiful ladders with lots of acrobatic permutations.
Groovy little pick-up truck.
Fuckin’ built-in beer cooler.

J.J. Tindall is the Beachwood’s poet-in-residence. He welcomes your comments. Chicagoetry is an exclusive Beachwood collection-in-progress.

More Tindall:
* Chicagoetry: The Book
* Ready To Rock: The Music
* Kindled Tindall: The Novel


Posted on December 27, 2010