Chicago - A message from the station manager

Cab #6399

Date: 6/10/06
From: Roscoe Village
To: Lincoln Square
The Cab: Reasonably clean and noise-free. Seatbelts functioning as they should. A fairly unremarkable physical specimen.

The Driver: Overly talkative in an unctuous, vaguely-flirtatious manner. Extremely open in discussing his plans for the evening and repeatedly asserting that your reviewer would be his last fare. Repeated the target crossroads as though they were a dinner-party joke that everyone but him had laughed at. When presented with the relatively minor obstacle of a block-long road closure, seemed perfectly content to shrug his shoulders and dump your reviewer more than a mile short of her requested destination. Continually debated alternate routes.
The Driving: Bewildering. While the driver seemed to have mastered the notion that the shortest path between two points is a straight line, he failed to extrapolate the vital corollary that the shortest path to a straight line is also a straight line. This lead to an unnecessary back-roads tour of the neighborhood that failed to impress.
Overall rating: 2 extended arms
– Natasha Julius


Posted on June 16, 2006