Chicago - A message from the station manager

20 Tweets: Billy Corgan

From most recent on down.
20. And Happy Mothers Day to all the mommys out there!
19. If God does have a sense of humor, that would mean the jokes will never stop being funny.
18. I believe in blue skies.
17. Do pirates go to heaven??
16. The day itself is a prayer.

15. In the circle of Love that we find ourselves in, I send you only blessings of Joy.
14. Unity consciousness is all-inclusive. It accounts for the successful ascesion of every-thing: every-rock, animal, wish+ lover gone bad.
13. If God is Love and Love is Truth than anything not born of Love or Truth is not born of God.
12. God is everywhere except the airport.
11. Sometimes God is as simple as saying I AM. Love is only complex if you will not forgive.
10. Actually, I got that wrong. Happiness is yours, if you want it. Peace is yours if you choose it.
9. Happiness is yours, if you want it. Peace is yours, if you need it.
8. Anything that you can see or touch or dream of represents active consciousness that IS Love.
7. You must first fill your cup with love before you can pour it into the cup of another.
6. We are never alone. We are never a-lone one.
5. Life is a wonderful opportunity.
4. A fan asked me tonight, ‘is the God stuff real?’. When is God ever not real? Tell me . . .
3. Tonight was a blessing as I got to stand on stage with 2 true spiritual warriors, mavis and yvonne staples. An honor!
2. Smile, you’re ON! (And sorry, I’m learning!!)
1. Each one of us a living Sun, readily able to transmute the best of our Love in grace.

See also:
* 20 Tweets: Richard Roeper
* 20 Tweets: Pete Wentz
* Douche or Tool: Billy Corgan


Posted on May 14, 2009