Chicago - A message from the station manager

RockNotes: Kill Category

“Legendary death metallers Cannibal Corpse have set Kill as the title of their tenth album, due March 21 via Metal Blade Records Europe. The CD is being recorded at Mana Studios in St. Petersburg, Florida with producer Erik Rutan (Morbid Angel, Hate Eternal).
“Comments bassist Alex Webster: ‘Hey everybody, since word seems to be out, we figured we’d make it official. Our new album will be entitled Kill.’

“With regards to the new album’s musical direction, the band had previously said, ‘We are doing everything we can to make sure it’s the heaviest, most brutal one we’ve ever made.’
“Revolution. We are a power and finesse vocalist/harmonica player/songwriter and a bassist/keyboardist/multi-instrumentalist seeking a guitarist of equal caliber (Jimmy Page) for an original and touring band. We will be touring Europe this summer . . .
“I speak from the fire and strike heavy with of the sword, in a chorus championing people long oppressed and long suffering. Music is the gift from God to definitively pronounce our uprising and redemption. This means the poor, the meek, and the oppressed.
“The name of this band is: The Epsilon Rising . . .
“The less limits you have, the better. Regarding image, the longer the hair, the better. If you believe in revolution through music, and you have your place to prove in the world of musical giants, then this is the opportunity you have been seeking. Ethnicity is encouraged as we are dealing with the reality of God and all man, not just modern white materialistic, celebrity craving ‘reality’, but truly, the counter culture of human reality.
“Double read this!!!! —This is for a serious, DISCIPLINED, dedicated musician who is in our mindset and wishes to audition for this band. Come with the expectations of working, critiquing, being critiqued, long songwriting sessions, use of white boards and notes, discussing theory, long recording sessions, playing out often, being in a bus often, and awful lot of practing and rehearsing, frustrations, communicating, success and fun!!!
“I mentioned practicing because we plan to continuosly push our limits, and being satisfied with the level we are at is complacency, and not a part of this band. If what we are asking to complete this audition seems demanding, we recognize it is. If you are unable to go this distance, then this band is not for you. There are many others to audition for or create on your own. It is not necessary to critique our expectations, but rather we hope that you take a pro-active approach and create great music that meets your own vision!
“Again, we self-critique and explore many variations of our music and covers. What we do not do is compromise our music in order to avoid dissagreements or tension and just ‘move on.’ This is a way of life, my life, the bassist’s life, and in this band, we struggle with the music until we are all satisfied. Please be in the same mindset and have experience working in this manner. If you can not take constructed criticism, or give it, if you can not focus in on the same song for days and weeks as it evolves, then this band situation is not for you. If what we are saying is does not reflect your personality, save your time and words as this band is not for you — there are many other bands to audition for to suit your expectations or create a band in your own image. This is for a guitarist in our image, and it is not for everyone, but one.”
– The posting that started it all on
Pistols Kill
“Fame at $25,000 if we paid for a table, or $15,000 to squeak up in the gallery, goes to a non-profit organisation selling us a load of old famous.”
– from the Sex Pistols’ letter to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, declining to attend ceremonies inducting the group


Posted on April 2, 2006