Chicago - A message from the station manager

Remembering Un(der)sung Chicago Guitar Hero Pete Cosey

The Sheer Virtuosity Of Electric Mud

“As one of the more criminally glossed-over guitar heroes of jazz-rock’s psychedelic heyday, Pete Cosey had an unflashy but unusual knack for making six strings sound like a thousand,” Bill Murphy writes for Premier Guitar.
“When the news broke on May 30 of his death in Chicago at the age of 68, all those scorching leads may have gone silent, but the legacy Cosey left behind – including his classic late-’60s recordings with Muddy Waters and Howlin’ Wolf, and above all his groundbreaking fusion work with Miles Davis – will resonate among guitar heads for decades to come.”

“Pete’s scorching guitar lines, out-of-this-world effects, unconventional tunings and sheer virtuosity have inspired and influenced many guitarists – even Jimi Hendrix is rumored to have picked up a trick or two from Pete.
“In this exclusive interview with, Pete talks about playing, his musical influences, being a member of the Miles Davis band and the struggles he faced when Miles’ band finally broke up.”
Peter Margasak of the Reader wrote about Cosey in 1997 and 2003. He links to those pieces in last week’s “Chicago Guitar Genius Pete Cosey Dead At 68.”
From 2009 by Harrison Owen:
“The players: Pete Cosey on guitar and assorted percussion and vocals, Melvin Gibbs on bass, JT Lewis on drums, Johnny Juice on conga and turntables. There was also a special guest sax solo by Dave Liebman.”

By loveolv:
“Pete Cosey’s Children of Agharta performed two incendiary sets at NYC’s Village Underground, on June 21st, 2002. The group featured Cosey on guitar, JT Lewis, drums, Gary Bartz and John Stubblefield on saxes & flute, Matt Rubano, bass, Johnny Juice, turntables, Baba Israel, words and beats, Kyle Jason, voice, Bern Pizzitola, guitar, Wendy Oxenhorn, harmonica.

By potupchik:
From the album After the Rain. Could be considered Electric Mud 2 since most of the same musicians play on here. Pete Cosey on lead guitar.”

Comments welcome.


Posted on June 5, 2012