Chicago - A message from the station manager

Local Music Notebook: Chella H vs. Angel Olsen

Plus: U of C’s Music Math

1. Chella H was born in an Ida B. Wells apartment. In the apartment.

2. U of C: Music and Math.

3. Ex-Pat Angel Olsen.
“The commanding 27-year-old songwriter, who cut her teeth in Chicago’s music scene for roughly seven years, had grown tired of life in the Windy City,” Max Blau writes for Paste.
“She felt stifled, rather than relieved, upon returning home from tours despite being near her friends in a comfortable place. She needed something to change.

“Everything there was just soaked in memories,” Olsen says. “Not necessarily bad memories. … But I couldn’t tap into it anymore. I started to feel the harshness of going back to a very busy place where everyone is trying so hard to be unique and trying so hard to be an artist.”

So Olsen moved to Asheville, North Carolina.

“I really enjoy and appreciate a place that isn’t about moving constantly and isn’t about trying to be distracted with all of these things on a day-to-day basis,” Olsen says. “Maybe people here have a different experience than I do, but that’s how I see it right now. It’s teaching me that I don’t have to do anything quickly. I don’t have to write if I don’t want to write. Part of my writing is living well.”

FYI, Olsen grew up in St. Louis.
4. Chicago Schools Benefit.
Trombone Shorty and Orleans Avenue play Lincoln Hall on September 9th, with all ticket proceeds going to Kelly High School, George Westinghouse College Prep and Alexander Graham Elementary.
For more information.
5. Why Jeff Tweedy Set Aside His Wilco Responsibilities For His First Solo Project, Which Features His Drumming Son, Spencer.

Comments welcome.


Posted on August 20, 2014