Chicago - A message from the station manager

Blues Jam Memorial For Chicago Great Arthur “Sambo” Irby

By Steve Balkin

Hi friends and colleagues,
This Wednesday, January 10 at 8 p.m. at the Waterhole (real jukejoint) Blues Club will be a memorial blues jam for the great Chicago Blues musician Arthur “Sambo” Irby. The Waterhole is at 1400 South Western Avenue, across the street from the Union Pacific train yards.
He was a great West Side blues drummer who also sang. He was especially known for playing the harmonica but without a harmonica – he sung the harmonica, bended notes and all.
Sambo helped in many blues protest jams on old Maxwell Street to try to save that area. He is a blues hero.

This will be a historic event to tell your grandchildren about. There will be many old Maxwell Street old-timer musicians there. Bring your cameras and video recorders.
This jam is hosted by Low-reen and the Maxwell Street Market Blues Band, among others. If you are lucky, you may get a chance to see Ms. Rodeo and April dance.
The phone for the Waterhole is (312) 243-7988. Low-reen’s e-mail address is
May Sambo be joining his fellow legends of Maxwell Street Blues in that great heavenly jam session in the sky.

Sambo on lead vocal.

Previously by (or including) Steve Balkin:
* The Maxwell Street Muddle.
* Maxwell Street Malfeasance.
* City Needs New Policy For The Maxwell Street Market: An Open Letter To Mayor-Elect Emanuel.
* The Maxwell Street Market Vendors Association Wants You To Like Them.
* The Olympic Bid That Could Have Been.
* Lil Scotty: ‘Give Him His Flowers While He Lives.’
* Remembering Lil Scotty: Bluesman, Buttonman.
* Remembering Lacy Gibson, Master Bluesman.
* Here’s To Bobby Too Tuff.
* Continuing The Political Revolution.
* Reducing Chicago’s Violence: A 10-Point Plan.
* New WPA Stamps Are a Good Reminder To Bring Emergency Public Employment Infrastructure Programs To Violent Neighborhoods.
* Item: Chicago Efforts To Stop Genocide Of Rohingya People In Myanmar.
* Saving The Rohingya: Stopping Genocide And Volunteering In Chicago.

Comments welcome.


Posted on January 8, 2018