Chicago - A message from the station manager

Prized Poetry

By The Poetry Foundation

The Poetry Foundation and Poetry magazine are proud to announce the winners of eight awards for contributions to Poetry over the past year. The prizes are awarded for poems and prose published during the past 12 months, from October 2011 to September 2012.
* The Levinson prize, presented annually since 1914 through the generosity of the late Salmon O. Levinson and his family, in the amount of $500, is awarded to Dean Young for his poems “Handy Guide,” “Crash Test Dummies of an Imperfect God, and “Dear Bob,” in the November 2011 issue; “Spring Reign” in the February 2012 issue; and “Peach Farm” in the June 2012 issue. Young’s most recent book is Fall Higher (Copper Canyon Press, 2011). A collection of new and selected poems, Bender, is forthcoming.

* The Bess Hokin Prize, established in 1948 through the generosity of Poetry’s late friend and guarantor Mrs. David Hokin, in the amount of $1,000, is awarded to Linda Kunhardt for her poems “Indian Winter,” “Road Work,” “Clifton Webb,” “The Jingle,” and “More Juice Please” in the December 2011 issue. Kunhardt has worked in schools in New York and New Hampshire. She was recently an AmeriCorps member in its Victim Assistance Program. She lives in Center Sandwich, New Hampshire.
* The Frederick Bock Prize, founded in 1981 by friends in memory of the former associate editor of Poetry, in the amount of $500, is awarded to Ange Mlinko for her poem “Cantata for Lynette Roberts” in the October 2011 issue. Mlinko’s most recent book of poetry is Shoulder Season (Coffee House Press, 2010). She teaches at the University of Houston.
* The J. Howard and Barbara M.J. Wood Prize, endowed since 1994, in the amount of $5,000, is awarded to Eduardo Corral for his poems “To the Angelbeast” and “To Robert Hayden” in the December 2011 issue and “In Colorado My Father Scoured and Stacked Dishes” in the April 2012 issue. Carl Phillips selected Corral’s first book, Slow Lightning (Yale University Press, 2012), as the 2011 winner of the Yale Series of Younger Poets competition.
* The John Frederick Nims Memorial Prize For Translation, established in 1999 by Bonnie Larkin Nims, trustees of the Poetry Foundation, and friends of the late poet, translator, and editor, in the amount of $500, is awarded to Peter Cole for his translation portfolio “The Poetry of Kabbalah” in the March 2012 issue. Cole’s The Poetry of Kabbalah: Mystical Verse from the Jewish Tradition was published in March 2012 by Yale University Press.
* The Friends of LIterature Prize, established in 2002 by the Friends of Literature, in the amount of $500, is awarded to Devin Johnston for his poems in the May 2012 issue, “New Song” and “A Close Shave.” Johnston’s most recent books are Traveler: Poems (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011) and Creaturely and Other Essays (Turtle Point, 2009). He is an editor for Flood Editions.
* The Editors Prize for Feature Article, established in 2005, in the amount of $1,000, is awarded to Mary Ruefle for her essays in the June 2012 and July/August 2012 issues, “On Fear” and “I Remember, I Remember.” Ruefle’s latest book of poetry is Selected Poems (Wave Books, 2010). Her collected lectures, Madness, Rack and Honey, were published by Wave in August 2012.
* The Editors Prize for Reviewing, established in 2004, in the amount of $1,000, is awarded to Adam Kirsch for his review of The Letters of T.S. Eliot, Volume 1 and 2 in the January 2012 issue. Kirsch is a senior editor at the New Republic. He is the author of Invasions: Poems (Ivan R. Dee, 2008) and, most recently, Why Trilling Matters (Yale University Press, 2011).

The prizes are organized and administered by the Poetry Foundation in Chicago, publisher of Poetry magazine.

Comments welcome.


Posted on August 15, 2012