Chicago - A message from the station manager

The [Super Bowl] Papers

By Steve Rhodes

1. The Indianapolis Star‘s front page today.
2. The Indianapolis Star‘s website today.
3. It’s not just the local media on Rex Grossman’s back. The Indy Star’s “Cyber survey” today:
This year’s Super Bowl will be remembered for . . .
_ Peyton Manning and the Colts
_ The Bears’ defense
_ The halftime show
_ The commercials
_ Rex Grossman’s passing
_ The Colts’ defense
_ Other
4. Some other front pages, including “Super Bust” over a photo of Rex Grossman from the Northwest Herald and “Pey Day” from the Daily Independent of Ashland, Kentucky.
5. “What can Vegas offer at a time like this? How about 3.5 miles of silver lining.”

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Posted on February 5, 2007

The Blue & Orange Kool-Aid Report

By Eric Emery

As the day progressed, it became clear that the Kool-Aid Nation was to experience heartbreak. Here are a few notable items and the times they occurred:
4:10 PM: Third person arrives at party with “2006 NFC Champions” shirt. Bears fans must already know this is the last championship they will win this year.
4:35 PM: A friend and I peruse Vegas’s Super Bowl proposition bets. Party member looks for “Number of times Phil Simms stumbles over himself,” but finds nothing. Vegas knows it could never set the line high enough.
5:30 PM: Billy Joel sings National Anthem. I look for “Number of shots consumed by Bill Joel before singing the National Anthem,” but I also find nothing. Same reason, I guess.
5:35:01 PM: Everybody (but me) starts singing “Bear Down, Chicago Bears” after Hester kick off return.
5:35:05 PM: Everybody starts realizing they don’t know all of the words to “Bear Down, Chicago Bears.”

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Posted on February 5, 2007

Bears Endorsement Report

By The Beachwood Niche Marketing Affairs Desk

The difference between winning and losing the Super Bowl is amply demonstrated by the endorsement opportunities that follow. Analysts shared with us the likely sponsorships in store for the Bears, win or lose.
Rex Grossman
Win: Disneyland.
Lose: Abilify, the new drug for bipolar disorder.
Brian Urlacher
Win: Trojan.
Lose: Susan Loggins, attorney.
Charles “Peanut” Tillman
Win: Reese’s Pieces.
Lose: Carter Center.

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Posted on February 1, 2007