Chicago - A message from the station manager

Cab #6159

Date Taken: 07/06/07
From: River North
To: Wicker Park
The Cab: Spotless except for the partially unpeeled Tweety Bird sticker on the rear view mirror. I’m thinking there’s a story there. Plus, I had the nagging feeling that the interior had the slight aura of a metallic UFO glow. Maybe that’s why we later seemed to be riding on air.
The Driver: This is the guy Sade was thinking about when she wrote “Smooth Operator.”

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Posted on July 16, 2007

Cab #5321

Date Taken: 07/06/07
From: Wicker Park
To: River North
The Cab: Clean, but not fussily so. I’m guessing the driver, however, is unaware of the Transformers sticker behind him on the back of the bench seat. Perhaps this is viral cab marketing.
The Driver: I really didn’t notice the presence of a driver. And yet, our interactions with a particular CTA bus was reminiscent of Peter Griffin vs. The Giant Chicken.

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Posted on July 12, 2007

Hail Kwik-E-Mart!

By Steve Rhodes and Natasha Julius

“There it is!” I yelled out with glee.
Or more like, “THERE IT IS!!!”
We had made a long journey and finally reached our destination, via the principled but aloof Stevenson Expressway with a short detour into Summit. Oops.
And then, rising above the hodgepodge of major artery signage, a beacon of life-affirming goodness. We had found the Kwik-E-Mart.

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Posted on July 10, 2007

Open Letter

Dear Eric Zorn and Rich Miller:

Mind if I pick the scab off your discussion of good versus evil in the world of editors? I’d like to dig a bit deeper before a final dab of Neosporin is applied.
To recap, Rich is best known for his authoritative political newsletter and blog chronicling Illinois state government, The Capitol Fax. He now also writes an Op-Ed column for the Sun-Times. Eric is a veteran metro columnist at the Tribune and pioneered columnist blogging there – his is now called Change of Subject.
Last week, Rich noted on his blog that Sun-Times Editorial Page Editor Steve Huntley is shifting positions to concentrate on his own column. According to Rich, Steve Huntley “has been a great editor – meaning he approved all my column ideas and never touched my copy.”
Eric responded in his own blog that he believes “a great editor is not just a middleman with a rubber stamp.”

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Posted on July 10, 2007

Ramen Review #1: Tradition Noodle Soup Oriental Style

By Bethany Lankin

The packaging won me over. The picture on the front resembles the WWII Japanese Army/Navy flag with a full bowl of ramen playing the part of the sun. And why not? TraditionTM ramen noodle soup is proud to announce that it is Oriental style. It’s also proud to announce that it is a PRODUCT OF CANADA. Funny that this product of Canada should be as politically correct as my Mother, who, as it happens, is also a product of Canada.
I added the spice packet after the noodles finished cooking and a wonderful smell curled up with the steam from the cooking pot. I was amazed and delighted. It smelled like the fried potatoes at the Christkindlmarkt in Daley Plaza. Every December I visit the same huge German kid in his white Guernsey sweater. He fries thick slices of potato and onion in bacon fat and then dusts it all with white pepper until it starts to resemble a beignet from Cafe du Monde. I danced up and down in my kitchen in anticipation of this fine Japo-Jerry meal. It was going to be VE day and VJ day all rolled into one.

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Posted on July 9, 2007

Great Pyramids Mystery Solved Again

By The Beachwood Cheops Affairs Desk

The following press release about the development and movement of the great pyramids may be of interest to your audience. Any editorial comment or mention that you may give this press release would be greatly appreciated.
– – –
Dateline: June 29, 2007 . . . Houston, TX
Contact: Theodore L. (Ted) Whidden
Phone: (850) 685-2353
Web Address:
HOUSTON, TX – June 29, 2007 – Texas “Mega-mover” (Heavy lift consultant) provides an explanation for construction, rock movements, and development of the Great Pyramid from top to bottom with all questions answered. Common myths, legends, and lore concerning Khufu/Cheops Pyramid of Egypt are debunked by simple, straight forward look at the real evidence at hand. By addressing the project as if it can be done with assets and resources on the site, while applying a little conventional wisdom, a research team solves several mysteries.

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Posted on July 3, 2007

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